Westmoreland County Museum and Library would like to thank Lonnie Lee for donating a copy of his new book, The Huguenot-Anglican Refuge in Virginia. Our staff members attended his lecture and enjoyed his talk about his research. Thanks for your generosity to us.

Thanks to Kathy Schuder of the Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Society for donating their most recent magazine to our library. We are looking forward to their upcoming issue!

Friday, December 1
During Montross Spirit Festival, in the Historic Courthouse, WCM will have a vintage toy exhibit and a kid's craft. Also, for the first time ever, WCM will have double the trains this year. We will have a train courtesy of Mike Mahan in the Historic Courthouse as well as a train in the soda shoppe. (More info below)
In the Montross Soda Shope, Garry Keckley will be back with his train display for the evening of Spirit Festival from 4-7 pm. Phil McKenney will have his shirts and merchandise for sale from 3-7 pm. Free sweet treats while supplies last. Malcolm Lewis will be making sure we have music in the Wakefield Building again this year. We want to thank our personal music man.
More events for Montross Spirit Festival will be publicized on a flyer at a later date. Stay tuned for more activity info.

New in the Westmoreland Mercantile General Store and Historic Courthouse Gift Shop is The Hinson Boys of St. John's Street by Harold Hinson. It's a fun read. Stop in for a copy or order from us to be shipped to you or a friend. Books make a great Christmas gift! Shipping is an additional $5.