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Fall Festival Recap

Thank you to all our volunteers and staff members that worked so hard to complete our exhibits, decorations and activities for Montross Fall Festival.

Thank You to the Following:

Bryan Oliff for donating the ice cream to the Montross Soda Shoppe.

Garner's Produce for donating the pumpkins and cornstalks for our outside decorations.

Ronnie Bevans for donating bags of ice for the iced cold sodas in the soda shoppe.

Rebecca Gillions for loaning mums to us for the store and Historic Courthouse decorations.

Stan Mitchell for loaning us his vintage tractors for our store display. They were amazing!

Our board members that loaned us some vintage artifacts for our "Farm & Home Life" exhibit.

Eileen Scholar for loaning us her painting pumpkins and a witch.

Carey Howeth for his generosity to us. You have been so wonderful.

Thanks to our new neighbor, Butch Filkoski, for taking this photo of our decorating crew

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